WWW.guccistyle.me-Affordable Balenciaga Replica Handbags
For the cutest Balenciaga Replica Handbags we’ve ever seen, the award goes to the Loewe Oro Pouch in gold/multi color. Small bags have their own flaws and functionality; load it with make-up, lip gloss and other beauty products. Put it safe inside your larger bag. Doesn’t it feel great to have everything structured? It keeps your life neat and tight.
Presenting from the f/w 2013 collection; the classic logo dotted in front balanced the small bag between grown up and playful. Purple, blue and orange dots are creatively designed and fun. When looking at the picture, you might think: Shoot, my essentials will fall out without a decent zip closure’. Well, surprise surprise, there’s a zip closure embellished behind the colorful dots.
The pouch is from the famous Balenciaga Replica Handbags line. For the European fans, this pouch is available on www.guccistyle.me e-store for €250. If not, you can find it in your local boutique.