Buy High Quality Fendi Replica Bags Online | Replica Chloe Bags
The Fendi Replica Bags is really upside down. The Flap is supposed to be up and not from the bottom. But there are more stories to tell.
The Upside Down Bag is a new innovation. It’s a waist bag, but why can’t a waist bag be a shoulder bag too. And thus the Upside Down became a waist bag that can be carried on the shoulder thanks to the chain strap.
The Upside Down Bag is a compact bag and features the new FF press stud fastening with three-dimensional texture. It’s made from lambskin leather, which is super smooth and soft.
For this season, the bag is designed with FF motif on the body, which is also the new signature style.
The Replica Chloe Bags interior comes with 1 central zipped compartment and double slider. Measuring 23 x 18 x 6.5 (L x H x D) cm, priced at $3390 USD, €2600 EUR, £2490 GBP via Fendi boutiques.